ARMS Code of Conduct
ARMS clubs, members and participants in ARMS sanctioned events shall conduct themselves according to the highest standards of behavior and sportsmanship and in a manner that shall not be prejudicial to the interests and the reputation of ARMS or its Clubs or of motorsport generally. Failure to do so shall be considered a breach of the ARMS GCRs and may result in penalties being applied.
The following statements further define the beliefs, expectations, ideals and principles of individual conduct that ARMS believes should be exemplified:
1. Participants in ARMS sanctioned activities shall be bound by this Code of Conduct;
2. Participants in ARMS sanctioned activities shall accept that motorsport can be dangerous and entails inherent risks;
3. Participants in ARMS sanctioned activities shall be treated with consideration and respect, and shall treat fellow participants with the same consideration and respect;
4. Participants in ARMS sanctioned activities shall endeavor to portray a positive image of motorsports through their exemplary driving habits;
5. Participants in ARMS sanctioned events shall not knowingly place themselves or others in a position of undue risk. Consideration of safety shall be placed before competitive goals;
6. ARMS members shall strive to set exemplary standards of behavior as they are all ambassadors for motorsports;
7. ARMS members shall pledge to demonstrate with their actions care and concern for the environment.